midnight club 3 dub edition ps3 review
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midnight club 3 dub edition ps3
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Changelog:
Jun 15, 2008 – Version 2.0.2
- Fixed an issue with the driver license window
- Fixed the hang-up
- Minor text and voice fixes
- Added med pack at jenny's station
- Added car bugfixes
- Changed the driver license scene to no longer be cut off
- Added a missing shift-key icon for the shiftlock icon
- Fixed a bug that could cause the "driver is 'not rated' and license is expired" message
- Fixed a bug that could cause the driver license view to not be shown when the same screen is showing the player the contract (main menu)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the driver to appear to be asleep while in the driver license scene
- Added a missing left-arrow icon for the car collision warning light
- Fixed a bug that could cause the license dialog to not be drawn correctly
- Fixed a bug that could cause the driver to appear to be asleep after the race is over
- Added a missing right-arrow icon for the autobike crash warning light
- Fixed a bug that could cause a stray shadow to appear in a weird part of the dialog
- Changed the view of the right hand shift button in the car manual to no longer overlap the license dialog
- Fixed a bug that could cause a stray shadow to appear in a weird part of the license dialog
- Added a missing check box icon to the "Driver is licensed" checkbox in the driver license scene
- Fixed a bug that could cause the license to not be displayed correctly
- Fixed a bug that could cause the driver license dialog to be cut off
- Fixed a bug that could cause a text box to be cut off when entering license information
- Fixed a bug that could cause the license dialog to be cut off
- Changed the orientation of the licence license text boxes and added a button that brings the license dialog to the top of the screen
- Fixed a bug that could cause the driver license window to be cut off
- Added a missing shift-key icon for the shift lock icon
- Added a missing be359ba680
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